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Cliff Lake (Reservoir)
Ouray Park Irrigation Company
Ouray Park Irrigation Company
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The irrigation water rights in Cliff Lake are an asset and resource of the Ouray Park Irrigation Company and its stockholders.

Elevation:  10,312 ft. above sea level

Location:   About 15 miles east of Roosevelt (6 miles past Gusher).

Access:      Take S.R. 88 south from U.S. 40 (Ouray Road). Turn west at the second dirt road past 
                  the high power lines.  Follow this road about 2 miles staying left at each fork.

Fishing:      Carp, Black Bullhead, Green Sunfish, Smallmouth, Tiger Musky, White Suckers

Facilities:   There is no boat ramp.

Location:    Paradise Park, Duchesne County, Utah

Latitude:     40.726110 (109*59'14" W)

Longitude:  -109.987220 (40*43'34" N)

Cliff Lake is located in a semi-arid (0.2 - 0.5 p/pet) climate. The land surrounding Cliff Lake is not cultivated, but is covered with a wide variety of natural vegetation including evergreens and other wild vegetation.  

The climate is classified as a mid-latitude steppe (mid-latitude dry), with boreal dry scrub biozone. The soil in the area is high in kastanozems, solonetz (ks), calcareous soils rich in organic matter, brown color, typical of semiarid climates containing grasses.